
JRME, issue 2, 2008

Journal of Research in Mathematics Education (JRME) has published its second issue of this year. The list of contents contains the following research articles:

Studying the Effects of Professional Development: The Case of the NSF's Local Systemic Change Through Teacher Enhancement Initiative
Daniel J. Heck, Eric R. Banilower, Iris R. Weiss and Sharyn L. Rosenberg

First-Grade Basic Facts: An Investigation Into Teaching and Learning of an Accelerated, High-Demand Memorization Standard

Valerie J. Henry and Richard S. Brown

Standards-based Mathematics Curricula and Middle-Grades Students' Performance on Standardized Achievement Tests

Thomas R. Post, Michael R. Harwell, Jon D. Davis, Yukiko Maeda, Arnie Cutler, Edwin Andersen, Jeremy A. Kahan and Ke Wu Norman

BOOK REVIEW: Looking Inside Chinese Mathematics Education: A Review of How Chinese Learn Mathematics: Perspectives from Insiders

Jon R. Star and Kuo-Liang Chang