My name is Reidar Mosvold, and I am associate professor in mathematics education at the University of Stavanger.
This website has two main purposes. First, I use this site as my online "home" in order to inform those who are interested in the work I am involved with. Second, this website includes a blog, and I use this blog to communicate that I find interesting for my own work (and which might be interesting for others who share my interests too, at least I hope so!). The blog is a continuation of the "Mathematics Education Research Blog", which has existed since early 2008. I have explored different ways of using the blog, and in the future, I plan on using it to write about things I find particularly interesting in relation to my work and research interests (see my vita to learn more about these interests!). If you want to stay more up-to-date with what's happening in the field of mathematics education research as such, you might be better off checking my twitter account. That account is much more frequently updated, and I use it to share everything I come across in relation to mathematics education.
Saying that the website only has the two purposes that I have described above is, however, not completely accurate. There is one more purpose that underlines everything I do: I want to do it all to the glory of God—even my work as associate professor in mathematics education :-)
For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. (Romans, 11:36)In addition to this page, I also have accounts with several social networks and services. If you are interested, you might want to check out some of these: