
Preparation for our symposium session

I have just been to a preparation meeting for our symposium  session at AERA tomorrow. The session is called Adapting and Using U.S. Measures of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching in Other Countries: Lessons and Challenges. The session is going to be chaired by Deborah L. Ball, and there are going to be five presentations of papers:

  • I am going to make the first presentation after the chair's introductoin, and I am going to present a paper that I have written in collaboration with my colleague, Janne Fauskanger: Challenges of Translating and Adapting the MKT Measures for Norway
  • The next presentation is going to be held by Minsung Kwon from South Korea. She is going to present her paper: Validating the Adapted MKT Measures in Korea
  • Dicky Ng is following up with a presentation of his study in Indonesia. The title of his paper is: Translating and Adapting the Geometry Measures for Indonesia
  • Yaa Cole unfortunately couldn't make it, but there has been prepared a video presentation of her paper: Studying the Work of Teaching Mathematics in Ghana
  • The final presentation is made by Sean Delaney from Ireland. He was the one who invited us all to participate in this symposium, and he has been in charge of the entire process. He is presenting his paper: Using Qualitative and Quantitative Methods to Study Construct Equivalence of a Teacher Knowledge Construct
After our presentations there has been allocated some time for the two scholars who has been invited to be discussants in the session: Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt and William H. Schmidt. The entire session will take place between 10:35am and 12:05pm (tomorrow, Tuesday, April 14) in the Santa Rosa room at the San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina.

I will report further from the session tomorrow.