
An innovative system of lecture notes

E.J. Tonkes, P.S. Isaac and V. Scharaschkin have written an article entitled "Assessment of an innovative system of lecture notes in first-year mathematics". The article was recently published online in International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. Here is the abstract of their article:
Lectures are a familiar component in the delivery of mathematical content. Lecturers are often challenged with presenting material in a manner that aligns with the various learning styles and abilities within a large class. Students complain that the old-fashioned lecture style of copying notes from a board hinders the learning process, as they simply concentrate on writing. In recent times, distributing elaborate lecture notes has become a widespread alternative, but has its own problems, alienating the audience with lack of participation. The authors have developed a system of lecture notes, we call partially populated lecture notes, that have enjoyed success with students and addressed these difficulties.


Bjørn said...

Sounds interesting. What's the main idea?

Unknown said...

Unfortunately I haven't got access to the complete article here, so I really don't know more than what I have written about this one :-)
