
GeoGebra - freedom to explore and learn

Linda Fahlberg-Stojanovska and Vitomir Stojanovski have written an article called GeoGebra - freedom to explore and learn. The article was recently published in Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. GeoGebra is a very interesting piece of software, and if you are interested in more, the authors point you to this wiki. Here is the abstract of their article:
We start by visiting the maths section of the web site answers.yahoo.com. Here, anybody can ask a question from anywhere in the world at every possible level. Answers are given by anyone who wants to contribute and then askers/readers rate the responses. A brief look here and it is starkly clear that our young people are struggling and their ability to think logically—that is understand a problem, organize data into knowns and unknowns, explore possibilities and assess solutions is definitely on the decline. In our opinion, this is more insidious than the actual decline in their overall mathematics skills. Further, one is struck by the fact that technology seems to be contributing to this decline when in fact it should be the opposite. We then examine two question/answer cycles in detail and show how the freeware GeoGebra (www.geogebra.org GeoGebraWiki: www.geogebra.org/wiki GeoGebraForum: www.geogebra.org/forum)—which gives the freedom to explore and learn to everyone, everywhere and at any time—can be of tremendous value to pupils and students in their understanding of mathematics from the smallest ages on up.