
Belief enactment

Danish colleague Jeppe Skott has written an interesting article about research concerning teachers' beliefs. The article is entitled Contextualising the notion of ‘belief enactment’, and it was published online in Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education on Wednesday. Skott is a prominent researcher within the field of mathematics education research in the Nordic countries, and he has a critical view on the notion of research on teachers' beliefs, as well as the approach to this area of research. Here is the abstract of his article:
For more than 20 years, belief research has been based on the premise that teachers’ beliefs may serve as an explanatory principle for classroom practice. This is a highly individual perspective on belief–practice relationships, one that does not seem to have been influenced by the increasingly social emphases in other parts of mathematics education research. In this article, I use the notions of context and practice to develop a locally social approach to understanding the belief–practice relationships. It is a corollary of the approach taken that the high hopes for belief research with regard to its potential impact on mathematics instruction need to be modified.