
AERA 2012 coming up soon!

The annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) is coming up this week, and I am looking forward to attending this year's meeting! Last (and only!) time I attended the AERA conference was in 2009 in San Diego. This year, the conference is held in Vancouver (Canada), and I am looking forward to a great conference. I am presenting a paper in a symposium session this year. Our symposium session is entitled: Defining and Measuring What Math and Science Teachers Need to Know: Implications for Professional Development and will take place on Sunday morning (April 15), so if you are in Vancouver it would have been nice to see you there :-)

Our symposium session is chaired by Professor Elaine Munthe (also from the University of Stavanger). The discussant in our session is Professor Hilda Borko (Stanford).

If interested, you can read our paper below:

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