

A new newsletter has been published from ICMI, and, as usual, it contains lots of interesting information. I would have liked to post the entire newsletter here, but since it is freely available online, I am only going to point to the table of contents:
  1. Editorial: Continuing Professional Development and Effective integration of Digital Technologies in Teaching and Learning Mathematics: Two Challenges for ICMI
  2. A XXIst century Felix Klein's follow up workshop
  3. Deadline Extended: ICMI / ICIAM STUDY
  4. EARCOME5: First Announcement
  5. Chilean Journal of Statistics (ChJS)
  6. Calendar of Events of Interest to the ICMI Community
  7. ICMI encounters: Hassler Whitney, Laurence C. Young and Dirk J. Struik: Personal recollections
  8. Subscribing to ICMI News
You can also check out the archive for a complete listing of previous (and current) newsletters!