
Gem #6: Napier's logarithms

John Napier (1550-1617) John Napier (1550-1617) was a Scottish mathematician. He is most famous for having invented logarithms, and today's featured book is precisely about that. Napier's book is entitled "The construction of the wonderful canon of logarithms", and it is an English translation of the original Latin book. The book is available as Flip Book, or you could download the PDF. You could also start reading it below, without leaving this blog :-)

Napier's wonderful world of logarithms


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!

I've tried to download this book for months.

Also, I want to add another information about logarithms. There was a Swiss mathematician, Jobst Bürgi who studied logarithms in a different way than Napier. But unfortunately, some historians don't talk about him ...

For more details, you may read Carl B. Boyer's book titled History of Mathematics.

See you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment, Carlos!

I am happy that I could assist you in getting the book :-)

I have heard of Jobst Bürgi, but I must admit that I had more or less forgotten about him. Do you know if any of his writings are available online? I will check it out.
