
Updates on the major journals

I have written a lot about new articles that have been published in the major journals lately, but not so much about updates on new issues of these journals. Here is an overview of some of the latest news from the major journals:

Educational Studies in Mathematics has released the October issue of this year, with a special focus on "The role and use of examples in mathematics education". The articles in the issue include:

Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education has released the September issue with the following highlights:

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education has released the September issue of this year with the following articles:

Otherwise, For the learning of mathematics has released issue 2 of this year.


Anonymous said...

I find the one about the lack of research informing professional practice amusing, given that for most actual teachers reading that single article will cost $32.

We are not located at universities with well-endowed libraries, nor do we have the money to purchase journals ourselves.