
Progress and stagnation of gender equity

Gerd Brandell from Sweden has written an article that was published in ZDM on Wednesday. The article is entitled Progress and stagnation of gender equity: contradictory trends within mathematics research and education in Sweden, and here is the abstract:
During the last decade women in Sweden have reduced men’s lead in participation in mathematics education and in professional careers as mathematicians. However, the development is uneven and slow overall. In some areas and at the highest levels women have increased their participation only marginally. Why, one may ask, is progress so slow after almost 20 years of active work from the Women and Mathematics movement in Sweden and within a society in which gender equity is highly valued at the societal and political levels? The development is described in quantitative measures going back 20 years. Several concrete and successful initiatives from the last decade intended to “de-gender” mathematics and to involve women and men alike in mathematics are described. In contrast a gender-blind position or a view of women as problems in mathematics seems to reign within some influential bodies.