
The Mathematics Education Research Blog Book

This blog is now a little less than four years old. Admittedly, I was much more active in the early phase of the blog's history than I am now, but there has still been quite a lot of activity here over the last four years. For quite some time now I have been wondering about how much I have actually written on this blog. I mean, how many pages would it be if I put everything together? I just created an ebook of the entire archive to check it out, and below is the result :-)

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The Mathematics Enthusiast to feature NSF Math Science Partnership Projects

The (Montana) Mathematics Enthusiast, edited by Bharath Sriraman has been selected by the National Science Foundation's Math and Science Partnership (MSP) program committee to assemble and publish a set of papers over the next two years to expand avenues for more MSP projects to share what they are learning about mathematics and science education through an internationally recognized peer-reviewed journal that is widely available. Papers will be selected from the Learning Network Conference scheduled to take place on January 23-24, 2012, in Washington, DC. This conference features about 100 MSP projects, including large partnerships targeting science and/or mathematics teaching and learning in specific grade bands or disciplinary areas, institute partnerships focusing on developing teacher leadership, partnership incubator (or “Start”) projects focusing on learning about institutional partnership development, and research and evaluation projects studying and supporting MSP and similar work. The overarching goal of the MSP program, which was created by Congress in 2002, is to increase K-12 student achievement in STEM subjects through consequential partnerships between higher education and K-12 institutions, involving STEM faculty in deep and meaningful ways.


New monography on the history of mathematics and mathematics education

Professor Bharath Sriraman has edited a new and interesting monograph called "Crossroads in the History of Mathematics and Mathematics Education". The monograph, which is going to receive the number 12 in the "Monograph series in mathematics education", will be published in December or January, but I have been lucky enough to receive a taster to share with the readers of my blog.

If you are interested in the history of mathematics and/or its relation to mathematics education, this book will probably be of high interest to you! The contents feature a section with different topics in the history and didactics of calculus and analysis, and a similar section on the history and didactics of geometry and number. A third section includes four chapters on the history of mathematics in mathematics education. The authors are among the most prominent researchers in these areas, and the table of contents (see below) looks interesting.
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June issue of The Mathematics Enthusiast

June 2012 seems to be far away, but I have nonetheless been given the privilege to share with you the table of contents of the June issue of The Mathematics Enthusiast. As usual, the issue will appear on the journal's web site, and the articles will then be freely available as downloadable pdf files. As you can see in the table of contents (below), the issue includes quite a few articles from Nordic researchers, and this is partly due to the inclusion of a section from the North Calotte Conference in Mathematics Education (Tromsø, 2010). So, although June is still quite a few months ahead, this is something to look forward to :-)

Thanks a lot to the editor, Professor Bharath Sriraman, for allowing me once again to provide you with this preview here on my blog!

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New issue of The Mathematics Enthusiast is approaching

A new issue of The Mathematics Enthusiast (formerly known as The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast) is approaching, and this one is going to be a double issue. I am happy to announce the table of contents for this new issue, and thanks to the editor (Professor Bharath Sriraman), I am able to do this before it is even announced on the journal's web site! Here it is:


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New issue of The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast

A new issue of The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast has just appeared. This issue - Number 3, 2011 - is a special issue on "Optimizing Student Understanding in Mathematics". The articles in this issue are a selection of some interesting papers from last year's PME-NA conference. More about the background for this can be read in Professor Bharath Sriraman's excellent editorial. As usual, all articles in TMME are freely available as pdf-downloads, just as I like it :-)


MKT seminar in Stavanger

June 20-21, our research group at the University of Stavanger had a seminar on mathematical knowledge for teaching at the beautiful Sola Strand Hotel. 12 invited researchers from Norway, Sweden, Ireland, Portugal and the U.S. participated together with four researchers from UiS. All participants presented their work, and there was also set aside time for discussions.

The participants of the seminar had different approaches to MKT, and this provided a nice setting for discussions. Our group had very much built upon the work that Sean Delaney have done in Ireland when we have translated adapted and used MKT items in a Norwegian setting. Dicky Ng has followed a similar approach in Indonesia. Miguel Ribeiro from Portugal has used MKT as an analytic framework for his research, whereas Jorryt van Bommel from Sweden (originally Holland) has studied MKT as the object of learning in her learning studies. Other participants in the seminar, like Bodil Kleve from Oslo University College, has worked with Rowland's "knowledge quartet". All these, and other, projects were presented and discussed in what turned out to be a very nice seminar.

One of the presenters, Sean Delaney (see photo below), pointed out some possibilities for future collaboration in this area, and some of the participants at the seminar have already started working on a proposal for a symposium at next year's AERA conference. Hopefully, even more collaboration will follow from the seminar.

Sean Delaney presenting at MKT seminar, Sola 2011


The 2011 NORMA conferernce

This week, The sixth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, NORMA 11, is held in Reykjavik, Iceland. The conference is organized by the University of Iceland in association with the Nordic Society for Research in Mathematics Education. NoRME. I have been to the previous two NORMA conferences in Copenhagen (2008) and Trondheim (2005), and I enjoyed both. This year, however, I decided to stay at home and let two of my colleagues represent our group and present our paper. If interested, our presentation is published in our Norwegian web page (the presentation itself is in English).

The confence gathers researchers not only from the Nordic countries, but also from the rest of Europe and outside. Plenary speakers are Marit Johnsen-Høines, Bergen University College, Núria Planas, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Bharath Sriraman, The University of Montana, and Roger Säljö, University of Gothenburg. Unfortunately, the conference does not have a very strong online presence (no official use of social media), but the program at least gives some indications. After the conference, a book is often published containing the accepted papers from the conference.


ICMI is on facebook (and so am I by the way...)

I recently learned that ICMI is now on facebook! This was revealed in their latest newsletter, and I have already become a "friend". If you are interested, make sure you pay a visit to their facebook page. If interested, you might also want to check out my own Mathematics Education Research Page on facebook (see image below!), where I post even more updated news than on this blog :-)