
Articles at IEJME are finally there!

International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education published their first issue this year a while ago (see my post about it). Now, the articles and abstracts are finally available as well! The abstracts are available in plain HTML format, whereas the articles can be freely downloaded in PDF format. I find one of the articles particularly interesting, as it concerns the same area of research as I am involved in myself (teacher thinking and teacher knowledge). The article was written by Donna Kotsopoulos and Susan Lavigne, and it is entitled: Examining “Mathematics For Teaching” Through An Analysis Of Teachers’ Perceptions Of Student “Learning Paths”
I enclose a copy of the abstract here:

Abstract: How teachers think about student thinking informs the ways in which teachers teach. By examining teachers’ anticipation of student thinking we can begin to unpack the assumptions teachers make about teaching and learning. Using a “mathematics for teaching” framework, this research examines and compares the sorts of assumptions teachers make in relation to “student content knowledge” versus actual “learning paths” taken by students. Groups of teachers, who have advanced degrees in mathematics, education, and mathematics education, and tenth grade students engaged in a common mathematical task. Teachers were asked to model, in their completion of the task, possible learning paths students might take. Our findings suggest that teachers, in general, had difficulty anticipating student learning paths. Furthermore, this difficulty might be attributed to their significant “specialized content knowledge” of mathematics. We propose, through this work, that examining student learning paths may be a fruitful locus of inquiry for developing both pre-service and in-service teachers’ knowledge about mathematics for teaching.