
Teacher knowledge and curriculum standards

The latest issue (volume 44, issue 4) in Journal of Curriculum Studies should be of high interest to researchers in mathematics education. It contains six articles that all focus on different aspects concerning the relationship between teacher knowledge (in particular mathematical knowledge for teaching – MKT) and curriculum standards. The articles are written by researchers who all have a connection with the "MKT group" at the University of Michigan, although some of them are employed at other universities at the moment. Here is a list of the articles in the issue:


New perspectives on the didactic triangle

A new and very exciting (I know, I say that a lot! But many new publications are exciting to me...) issue of ZDM was resently published. This issue (Volume 44, Number 5) is a special issue on: "New Perspectives on the Didactic Triangle: Teacher-Student-Content". The issue has been guest edited by my friends and colleagues: Professor Simon Goodchild (University of Agder) and Professor Bharath Sriraman (University of Montana). They also wrote the editorial/first article in this special issue, and it has been entitled: Revisiting the didactic triangle: from the particular to the general. The authors of the other articles in the issue is a great mixture of really big names and some younger researchers (upcoming stars if you want) in our field. Here is a complete list of articles and authors in this issue of ZDM, with direct link to the original articles for your convenience: